We believe there is an opportunity to make a major impact on the world by educating church members on God’s concept of work; to understand how to work according to God’s principles; to discover God’s path for church members in the workplace and seeing the workplace as the largest mission field that exists today.
“Every member is a minister”? How are we equipping the ones in the workplace?
The Great Commission calls each church to make disciples. How are we equipping those within our charge to be disciples in the place they spend the majority of their time? Matthew chapter 25:14-30 is the Parable of the Talents. “To one he gave five talents of money, to another two talents and to another one talent, each according to his ability.” The expectation was to provide a return on the investment.
‘The Great Commission calls us to make disciples, and this is possible whether they are pastors, missionaries or working in the marketplace.‘ Christians at WORK, Barna Group