business as mission
workplace mission trip
Marketplace Mission Trip (
A 2 week Mission Trip to your workplace.
Pray for our coworkers, friends and customers and anyone we meet. Ask God to show you ways to bless and encourage them.
Each weekday for 2 weeks, read a brief devotional and watch a short video filled with creative ideas and encouragement.
The second week, join a call each evening to celebrate Jesus’ miracles, pray for and encourage one another.
The Six Things That Happen On A Marketplace Mission Trip
Build spiritual you pray for your coworkers, customers and friends.
Walk closer with Jesus as He uses you in the lives of your coworkers, customers and friends
Transform your mindset as you work for God. Your motives and your actions change for the better.
Think about your faith - Your faith will come alive as you ask God to give you opportunities to serve others.
Develop flexibility God will provide opportunities for you to serve others so that He might become known.
Experience God - When we join Jesus, we see His power, glory and strength on display.
Business as Mission organization (
Business has a God-given power and potential for good in the world. Yet too often Christian business people have not been affirmed in their call to business.
We want business men and women to understand God’s redemptive work through business in the world. We want to help change the message that Christian business people are hearing and mobilize them for action.
What if the untapped business resources in the church globally were released for missional impact? What if more Christian business people were world-leaders at tackling global evils through business? The business as mission website is about connecting and resourcing businesses and business people to that end
lausanne movement
Across the world today, men and women are faithfully stewarding God’s call as leaders and people of influence in organizations, churches, schools, and marketplaces. What would happen if these men and women were to gather together to form God-inspired, catalytic connections within and across regions, generations, shared interests, and ideas? This is the unique calling of the Lausanne Movement: to connect influencers and ideas for global mission.
work life
It is our hope that you are finding fresh vision and resources that will help you and those in your circle of influence. Many are asking “Where’s the God who was with me on Sunday?” Each Monday it’s a whole new world—hustling off to work and putting out fires. Or maybe dreading work and what might be another boring day. We believe it is time for an awakening — a switch to God’s way of working. Thriving on Mondays at work – not just surviving. Stewarding your Time, Talent, and Treasure for 100X results!
Work is a form of worship unto the Lord.
And, the workplace is not just for people working in office spaces. All places outside of church are our workplaces; places that give us the opportunity to engage, influence and transform.
For this reason the Workplace Ministry is in the process of becoming a movement that involves the whole church – whether you are a student, homemaker, office worker or retired, you have a part to play in transforming your workplace.
The Workplace Ministry encourages and trains believers in Christ to bring the presence and power of God to the marketplace, integrating their faith with work.
christian faith at work
Leverage your business for eternal returns.
67 Ways to Integrate your Faith into Your Business (without being Pushy)