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find your calling

Find Your Way


3 Sessions

Perhaps you’re just starting out and haven’t yet found your personal or professional path. Maybe you’ve been plugging away for years, trying to live someone else’s dream. Maybe you’re outwardly successful but plagued by a nagging, soul-level sense of dissatisfaction.


Carly Fiorina believes beyond a shadow of a doubt that your potential can be unleashed. In this three-session series, she shows you the path to getting there.

Faith, Work, Calling and Vocation


9 Sessions with Study Guide

Work matters. Whether it’s in the home, the local church, the marketplace, or in the community.Your work can be worship and glorifying to God. However, when asked, most people don’t see how the work that they do every day connects to the Great Commission. Could it be that we have an incomplete view of work or is there more to the Christian mission in the world? What really is our salvation for?


In this nine part series, Dr. Scott B. Rae and Helen M. Mitchell, of Biola University, will unpack the concepts of faith, work, calling and vocation that is theologically grounded and practically oriented.

Called to Business

13 Sessions 

Only a small percentage of Christians will ever be pastors or missionaries. But what does that mean for the rest of us? How does God want us to think about our calling?


In this series, you'll hear ten leaders give their thoughts on the role and calling of business leaders in God's kingdom. You'll see that business people are not second-class, but instead have been gifted by God with success and influence in order to make an enormous difference in the world.



14 Sessions 

Dr. Tony Evans and his family invite you into their lives and their very own living room in Dallas, Texas to help you discover your destiny. Gather together your friends, small group or do it on your own. This six session series unpacks the key elements of reaching your destiny as the natural merges with the Divine. Let God use you like He made you.

More To Your Story


6 Sessions 

Your life is a narrative written by God.


Car pools and car crashes. Job changes and joint custody. Life can feel overwhelming and inconsequential at times. But there's more to your story than the chaos, confusion, and clutter of daily life.


Above us and around us God directs a grand saga, written by his hand, orchestrated by his will, unveiled according to his calendar. When you're part of this story, your life has purpose, your recognize your value, and you discover your unique path. In this six-session video-based curriculum, Max Lucado guides you through the events of the New Testament to show you that there's more to your story than you ever imagined.

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