Freedom of Religion in the Workplace
first liberty
Protection Kits - First Liberty
Know the Law. Know the Facts. Protect Your Rights.
Download First Liberty’s FREE Religious Freedom Protection Kits
Religious liberty is being attacked virtually everywhere. It’s clear opponents of freedom want to leave no safe space for people of faith. Whether it’s in our schools, houses of worship, nonprofits, charities, the military and even our local communities, our constitutional rights are under fire on all fronts.
and business
Religion in the US Workplace - A Guide to Religious Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.
This guide is designed to give employers a clear overview of basic religious freedom rights in the workplace. It highlights questions employers may face as their employees seek to practice their religious beliefs in the workplace. In addition, it provides basic guidance for formulating reasonable workplace policies that will help avoid or minimize problems, thus contributing to the general benefit of employees, employers and overall productivity.