business network
Connect with other Christian business owners
Get connected
Enable members to share valuable resources, explore networking opportunities, and harness services that empower them to fulfill their calling and maximize their impact.
Help Christian professionals maximize their potential to excel, prosper, and succeed at their profession by equipping, empowering, and connecting them.
Establish a global community of Christian professionals who routinely connect, communicate, collaborate, and congregate with one another for mutual enrichment and prosperity.
Business commit to:
Run their business based on biblical principles as stated in the Standards
Adhere to the biblical Pledge.
Adhere to the Conflict Resolution method.
Follow God’s instructions regarding tithing.
Benefits to businesses:
Connect with other Christian business owners for networking, accountability, fellowship, advise.
Find business partners that have the same values as you
Promote your business to church members.
Benefits to church members:
Find businesses that share your values
Know that the money you spend on goods and services will help fund God’s work
Know these business pledge to run their businesses on biblical principles
Know there is a Christian based conflict resolution if needed